Skully AR-1, a smart motorcycle helmet?



3 Dec 2011
Skully AR-1

The next gadget to take crowd-funding sites by storm is the Skully AR-1, a smart motorcycle helmet that needed to raise $250,000 by September 9th to become an actual product. However, the Skully helmet has already passed that goal, raising over $650,000 in its first Indiegogo funding day.

The Skully helmet will offer users a heads up display, access to a rearview camera, GPS support, and hands-free phone and music control features to further improve their motorcycle-riding experience, not to mention safety while on the road.

The Skully helmet is made of lightweight, aerodynamic polycarbonate, it’s “highly weather resistant,” and features an anti-fog, anti-scratch, anti-glare E-Tint visor, which also acts as a heads up display.

The helmet will connect to smartphones via Bluetooth, with the company planning to offer riders access to more applications on top of the basic phone, GPS and music features in the future, as developers will have access to a Skully SDK...


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I already have the mulder helmet;)

wouldn't all that info be distracting? don't think id fancy it (headsup display ect ect)
I already have the mulder helmet;)

wouldn't all that info be distracting? don't think id fancy it (headsup display ect ect)

I quite like the idea of GPS and back view from the camera, in the future you will probably be able to tweak around with size/position of the hud. But how will it compare to other big brands out there in terms of safety, durability and price? hmm...
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I've been following the development of this helmet for over a year now. The final price is extremely disappointing, especially for non-US customers, and the safety levels are not as high as they could have been. Their beta testing program was also little more than a marketing exercise.

All this adds up to a very good reason to skip this first generation tech and wait a few years for something far better, safer and more robust. Pity.
I like the idea of a rear view camera, but that takes up way to much room of the way ahead.

Too expensive as well.
Oh joy something else to have to remember to keep charged, & call me cynical but, I could just see the insurance companies trying to use the fact your where wearing one of these helmets, & therefore potentially distracted buy the HUD, to weasel out of paying out in a single vehicle accident.

So nope not for my noggin.
Just under £900 for the helmet, though if you find someone else who wants one you can buy the two pack, which makes it £790 each.

Very pricey for a helmet with unproven tech and unknown impact on your riding. It's one of those things that intrigues me, and I'll keep an eye on it, but won't be an early adopter.
Cool, but early days. The point in the rear view camera is mute... There is no point, you have wing mirrors. It's a distraction.

GPS would be incredibly handy. I'd like other bits of information, compass, speed, time etc. Each in a corner. Then a minimap in the bottom right. Sound's like a game but it will be incredibly better than a rear view cam.
Are in the innards swappable?

I ask because even modest dink to an MTB helmet and it's recommended you replace, so I presume the same would hold true for a motorcycle lid?

Would make it an expensive prospect to factor into a minor accident.
Also been following since first announcement... and kinda gutted I didn't get picked for the trials.
It's cheaper than some lids and still about the same as some of the big name models (which also weren't that impressive on the safety ratings, as it happens).
I like the rear view idea as every bike I've ridden always had little spots where other bikes and low cars could hide.
I bought the Reevu helmet. Its just a mirror system, not electronics like the one in the OP. The rearview works really well in it - but not if you're on a sports bike with your head mostly tilted down and eyes tilted up. Perfect for on a sit up and ride style bike though.

In the end I replaced it with a Shoei. It sits gathering dust in my garage these days, but the idea behind it was brilliant.
wonder how much it will be here, you can bet it wont be £900
more like £1500, you now what there like with selling stuff here they just change the $ sign for a £ the amount stays the same.
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