Sky 2Mb -> 16Mb upgrade - any one experienced this?

19 Mar 2005
London, England

Just eager for my super fast internet connection upgrade and wondered what other people had expected when doing this?

I rang up Sky last night and upgraded from the 2Mb free package to the 16Mb Max one. By the time I had walked upstairs the router had rebooted and it was syncing at 8Mb and 768Kb. Do they do this in stages? Ie. In the next few days it will go up again to what ever it can manage on the max service? I am most defiantly in a 16Mb (should get some where near it as pretty close the exchange) area! ;)

Yep I'm about a km from the exchange as the crow flies (I know it could go round the houses!) and yes it is LLU enabled (London area!).


ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 8096 kbps 768 kbps
Line Attenuation 30.0 db 19.5 db
Noise Margin 7.9 db 13.0 db

Cheers guys.
ManCuBuS said:
It will sync at the maximum speed Sky will allow, dependant upon the IP Profile they have set for you. You can find this out in your router configuration. If you suspect that your line will support a higher rate, then ring them up and see what they can do for you.

Can you clarify on what, where, and what it means? Ta :)
Master socket. It just feels like they've put me on max instead..

I see what you're saying though. I will call them tomorrow and check with them. Overwise I'll put a new cable and stuff in and see if it makes a difference! :) Might borrow a router from work too and see what that syncs at.
Argh. Just phoned Sky. Twice.

1st time realised I didn't have the password. Took me god knows how long to get out of the idiot when they were open for me to call back. Being an ex call centre worker I am very patent with call centres but geezus!

Called back to be told I can only get 5Mb! Didn't matter than I told her I'm synced at 8Mb and can download just shy of that (normally about 6.5Mb or so isn't it?).


Incompetent / non-technical Sky staff. She just didn't understand what I was saying. Any tips on speaking to some one with a clue?
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