Sky Advert in Cinemas (Skiier off Mountain)

15 Oct 2003
Was just wondering if anyone knows what this clip is from? (The advert for Sky in Cinemas and on TV, where the Skiier goes off the side of the mountain)
I think it is awesome, and no doubt will be from a pretty decent program. I remember finding the Billabong Odyssey one but I can't get any info for this one. :(
i know the one you mean, really slow motion, looks awesome :) (no idea where it's from though sorry!)
I know the one you mean - where it slowly zooms out from the chopper!
Brilliant advert but I'd like to see the rest of the clip!

Reminds me of the surf clip - where it again zooms out and the surfer lets go of the jetski and its an incredible wave!!
Yeah, that's from Billabong Odyssey, it's a pretty good movie/documentary, I really enjoyed watching it.
That's why I'm hoping to find what the Ski thing is from, reckon it would be a good watch.
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