Sky Box differences?

Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
I've just ordered Sky after not having it for around 8 months, I used to have a 1TB box (DRX895) and have now been given a DRX890WL. Apart from one having 1TB vs the normal capacity and the smaller capacity box having wifi, are there any major differences?

Everything in my TV cabinet is connected via a switch at the back, so I was wondering about plugging the old box back in and getting the extra space.
No difference aside from what you've mentioned, you'll just need your card to be re-paired with the old box though I believe that can be done via the box itself now.
I find the regular box can fill up fairly rapidly if you watch a lot of TV series and end up series link recording them. You'd be better off just using the bigger box from the outset, just be sure to run a forced software update if it hasn't been used for a while.
Most of my TV viewing is via XMBC, I only really use Sky for the sports. But saying that, the OH does have a tendency of series linking a load of junk.
I've just ordered Sky after not having it for around 8 months, I used to have a 1TB box (DRX895) and have now been given a DRX890WL. Apart from one having 1TB vs the normal capacity and the smaller capacity box having wifi, are there any major differences?.
Lools like the new SKY WL boxes don't need to have a phone line connected..:)
They don't meant to have a modem for the phone line..
Same box but with some components missing:

Telephone Modem
eSATA port
Composite/phono output
I've just realised, I have a Seagate 2TB Green drive that is unused, can I plug it straight into the new box? I know I'd lose the warranty, but I do have the old 1TB as a backup. :)
To to update, I decided to keep the warranty in tact on the new box and put in a 2TB HDD in the old 895. After around 30 minutes or so I am up and working using the old box. :)
Keep an eye on the box with that drive in it, presume you mean a WD Green, the sky boxes don't play nice with all drives some might stop the drive from sleeping and it will spin constantly.
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