Sky+ box screwed

17 Feb 2003

My Sky+ box's hard drive gave up yesterday - apparently it's £65 to get it fixed. Anyone got any idea's of a cheaper solution?
Buy your own HDD and replace the broken one, simple.

The Pace Sky+ units (both versions) are installed with a 40GB Maxtor Hard Disk, spinning at 5400rpm. The majority of Pace Sky+ upgraders have therefore used Maxtor HDs running at 5400rpm with capacities of 80GB, 120GB, and more recently 160GB and 250GB.
300GB Maxtor 5400rpm drives have been tested but do NOT work on any boxes tested so far, unless their capacity is limited using the Maxtor tools to around 270GB. This seems to be a fundamental limit of the Sky+ software.

Amstrad boxes on the other hand seem to come installed with a 40GB Samsung SpinPoint Hard Disk. Therefore owners of these boxes tend to chose to use Sansung SpinPoint drives, usually with a capacity of 160GB.

The general consensus is that the ideal HD to go for runs at 5400rpm, cache shouldn’t be a concern. The majority of successful upgrades have been done with primarily Maxtor drives but also Samsung and IBM work well.

The drives which people seem to be using at the moment are:
250GB Drive: Maxtor 5A250J0
300GB Drive: Maxtor 5A300J0
160gb Drive: Maxtor 4R160L0, Samsung SP1604N

For reference, standard HD fitted in a Sky+ V2 is a Maxtor 2F040L0

its old info from digital spy forums
Threaten to go to ntl/telewest, thats what we done when our sky box went belly up, after some persuasion and several phone calls it was free.
You can fit a new HDD then RMA the old one or just RMA the old HDD and wait for the replacement to come.
kip02 said:
Threaten to go to ntl/telewest, thats what we done when our sky box went belly up, after some persuasion and several phone calls it was free.

Tell them you will cancel it. They will give then not charge. I did this with mine.
i put one of these in my pace V1 box ,

Samsung SpinPoint V120CE 250GB IDE ATA/133 2MB 5400PRM

cant say where but its easy to find and quite simple to fit .

£70 ish . 100 + hours recording .
chrissy said:
i put one of these in my pace V1 box ,

Samsung SpinPoint V120CE 250GB IDE ATA/133 2MB 5400PRM

cant say where but its easy to find and quite simple to fit .

£70 ish . 100 + hours recording .
Does this show up correctly in the Sky+ planner?

I've read the % is not accurate but the time is still available, any ideas? :)
deSade said:
I've had the box for over a year, so I doubt I can RMA it!! :(

As Tetsa said, chances are its a Maxtor drive in there and it has a 3 year warranty on it, especially if its a Pace V2 Sky+ box as that's what I have.

You can check the warranty duration online via Maxtor's site and then carry out an Advance RMA either online or over the phone. Give them your card details, so they can take the money incase you don't return the busted drive. They will send out a new/reconditioned drive to you, in advance. You use the packaging for that to return your broken Now sell that drive on the bay or something and get a bigger drive for the Sky+ box :)
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chrissy said:
sky+ planner seems fine average film takes 1-2% .
No, I mean the % remaining will show 0% when it reaches 80GB of storage and therefore not show you exactly how much is remaining.

That's what I was told.. You tried filling it up to the brim? :cool:
lightbulb said:
That issue was resolved some time ago with one of the over-the-air updates :)
Thanks for the heads up :cool:

Time to get a new HDD mwuhahahaha
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