Sky Cancellations - Rage inducing.

27 Mar 2013
Two weeks ago I call Sky and wait 20 mins to get an answer. I phone them to tell them that Im moving house and searches have shown sky doesnt provide fibre optic there and I'm going to cancel.

The guy proceeds to talk crap to me to the point of giving me a price of TV only (We really like sky tv.). £26 he says. I get totally bamboozled by all his crap and end up saying I'll consider things and call back.

So after doing research I ended up with Virgin media bundle that worked out cheaper, however it does come with their poor TV alternative. Nevermind. I can live without Sky I figure.

On to today. I phone up on my drive home from work. I pull over after my call eventually connects and then some guy asks me security details. I cant remember my password but I have all other details such as my bank account etc.

He tells me he needs my Direct Debit number and I should phone my bank for it. Then fobs me off after I tell him the whole process is so convoluted it actually puts people off cancelling.

I get the direct debit number tonight and call again...

This time I get through to some other guy. Again.. Security details.. I tell him. "I have my direct debit number here". "oh we dont need that, just the numbers from your account you pay with"

NICE ONE! The first moron wasted 30 minutes of my life...


This final call tonight basically has me saying multiple times I want to just cancel everything as I am moving into a house, taking on a mortgage and I really cant justify paying out for extra luxuries. He doesn't register this and continues to talk at me about products I have, can transfer, and a brand new price of £12 per month. Had this offer came in 2 weeks ago I woulda probably taken that. They shot themselves in the foot.

Instead I'm left raging at the whole process. Sky can get ******.

Over 1 hour spent cancelling.

Its funny how easily you can upgrade a product, or buy a movie from them at the touch of a button. But to cancel when you are well out of your contract, you have to put up with some quite insulting bullcrap on a phone.

Disgusting tactics.

I raise my middle finger to you Sky :p
I used the online chat to cancel, just keep typing no and I want cancel. Eventually they give up.

But yes they are stupid in waiting until its too late to offer you the best deal, I had the 75% off deal and if they had just said OK continue straight away I probably would have done.
It's annoying, but at least you know you can always get a discount from sky. I don't know anyone paying full price.

Just this minute rang sky and negotiated a discount (been with them nearly 7 years and never tried before) - got £7/month off for next 12 months, and barely had to try (so suspect if I pushed may have got more), but that will do me for a while.
Just this minute rang sky and negotiated a discount (been with them nearly 7 years and never tried before) - got £7/month off for next 12 months, and barely had to try (so suspect if I pushed may have got more), but that will do me for a while.

I have half price fibre, £10 line rental, and half price Family pack TV, but my friend tried a few weeks ago at he's near the end of his contract, and they wouldn't give him anything near my deal so I think it's just time of year and luck in some cases.

But they will definitely give you something.
My recent canbcellation got me...
60% off
first 4 months free
No additional contract

I found this rather odd but the clarified if after the 4 months I didn't want it I could call and cancel. I then got a flyer a few days later ofering £100 credit, called up and they added this too.

Sky must really be wanting to withold subs
I used the online chat to cancel, just keep typing no and I want cancel. Eventually they give up.

But yes they are stupid in waiting until its too late to offer you the best deal, I had the 75% off deal and if they had just said OK continue straight away I probably would have done.
I once went nearly an our and half on livechat trying to cancel lol.
My contract is up in 3 months and am afraid not even a 60% discount will keep me.

Just signed up for BT TV and got a Android TV box
I have just done an online chat and got 60% discount and £100 credit.

But no offers on a 2TB box. Shame as mine is getting old now.

We got rid of Sky Sports due to the cost and the fact we never watched it. How does this work through the web chat? Just tell them you are thinking of leaving because the cost of Sky is becoming too much? Then just hope they turn around and give you a discount?

We've always paid full price:o
I did originally did a web chat to cancel, no offers on the chat. Offer in my sky was 50%, today go cut off. did a chat and had one offer 50% +£50 credit, then got 60% + £100 credit.

So Im paying less than last year and free for about 5 months. Bargain. lol
If you just want to cancel then tell them your emigrating.

If sky make it so hard to cancel can't you just cancel the DD and wait till they phone you
We got rid of Sky Sports due to the cost and the fact we never watched it. How does this work through the web chat? Just tell them you are thinking of leaving because the cost of Sky is becoming too much? Then just hope they turn around and give you a discount?

We've always paid full price:o

I don't know about getting offers on sports, you can usually get discount on the base packages which obviously offsets it.

Last time I just started a web chat and asked when my contract is up (I Knew it was up in the next month or so) and they just started offering me things straight the way without asking. Was clear to see they would go further and didn't have to push for a bit more.
If you genuinely want to cancel quickly you need to come up with a reason why they can't sell you a service. When I cancelled I told them I was moving back in with my parents and they already had it, it took me less than 5 minutes to cancel (after getting through).
Just rang up to cancel. I have the full TV package, sport, movies, multiroom, phone and fibre £124 a month :eek: :mad: :(

Offered me 30% off, told them to cancel it. Now starts the 31 day waiting game to see if I get a better deal or have to go elsewhere ;) :D
I think I'm gonna get a couple of BTTV boxes. The reviews on BTUHD are literally all amazing. I have bt broadband already. I do not have a TV aerial for the free channels though. Where is the cheapest place in Hampshire to get a rear of property aerial with a rear of property socket but also a socket 15 meters away at the front of property?

I basically od all my betting and watching on Champions League and Uefa Cup anyway plus I just use a £30 for 6 months illegal football streaming service for watch all 38 of Evertons games on MSNBC Sports Extra 1-5 even though I pay full price for sky sports HD (actually it might be legal if you are American living in the UK I mean technically it's my brothers online companion app and he lives in new York).
From this year I can totally live without sky. Gonna do it!
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