Sky equipment cover?

17 Oct 2002
We have had Sky at our house for almost a year not, and a lady has just informed us that out 1 year cover on all the equipment is due to expire, and asked me if we wanted to take out cover for another 14 months, at a cost of about £60 a year or around £5 a month.

Do many people take out this cover and is it worthwhile? What are you effectively getting for your money?

Ta :)
rip off.

LNB fails- £15 on ebay.
Dish gets knocked out by wind- £20 or so to get a guy out.
Cable fails- £0.70p/metre.
Box fails- £50-100 on ebay depending on what one, whether you want sky+ etc.

So if the *entire* set up failed the worst cost there really is less than 2 years of the maintenance plan....
aren't the sky digital boxes loaned though ie theey are free? but you have to give em back. I had to buy my sky+ box but I thought that was an exception.

We had a failure on our sky+ box and it was under warranty but they claimed as it was after 6 months I was only due a reconditioned unit which I was pretty annoyed at coz they came and gave me an older version and in my opinion this was not what I had originally purchased. Thankfully that was borked so I got another that was the same model as my original one, can't say I was happy with the whole affair though. Also as I can buy a sky+ box from them for £80 or even less now I can't see what use the £60 cover is.
Nope. After the year the box is yours to keep (similar to mobile phone contracts). I don't think Sky have ever leased boxes, at least not for a very long time.

Only cable companies lease their boxes now, On/ITV digital used to a few years back too.
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