Sky Gigafast

27 Sep 2012
We have just had a Sky Max Hub and Gigafast installed.

Standing near to the hub, you get 820mbs on wifi, which then drops off dramatically as you move away (90 in the kitchen, 20 in an upstairs bedroom).

I have some TP-link AV1300 powerline adapters through which I am getting 200mbs in my upstairs office. The TP-link software is saying it is getting 770mbs between the adapters, but I have tried several different cat6 and cat7 cables with no improvements.

I was then thinking I will need to run a cable upstairs to take advantage of the higher speed, but when I plug a laptop directly into the hub via cable, it gets a slower speed (160mbs) than it was over the powerline adapter in my office. Again tried several different cables with no change.

I have no idea what is throttling the direct plug in, surely that should be 820mbs?

Grateful for any advice as I don't know much about it!
Did you unplug every other item connecting/connected to the hub before trying with the ethernet cable to your laptop?

How long is the ethernet cable? Do you have a shorter one that you can test next to the hub?
And to quickly confirm, when you mean you stood next to the hub with WiFi and you got 820mbps you performed a speed test that showed 820mbps? This wasn't the WiFi speed to the router, but actually to an external site? And when you tried the laptop via cat6/7 cables, what was showing 160mbps? The windows connection? Or an actual speed test?

If you try another network port on the hub and it remains the same, then the likelihood is it's the port on your laptop or another setting on your laptop that's not letting it hit the same speed.
I performed speed tests on Fast and Ookla on phone and tablet to get the 820mbs. Those were also the sites showing the 160mbs when I connected the laptop.

I'll try another network port. I am correct in that plugging directly into the hub should be giving me those 820mbs speeds?

Even though the TP-link is showing 770mbs, I was assuming it was the house wiring that was throttling the powerline adapter speeds. I wanted to check I will get high speeds via the ethernet cables, before running them upstairs, but it's throwing me with getting lower speeds whilst directly plugged in.

Weirdly, my wife who has an office directly below mine, gets 400mbs via the wifi on her laptop, and I get 20mbs upstairs (on 2 separate laptops)!

Thanks for your help.
I performed speed tests on Fast and Ookla on phone and tablet to get the 820mbs. Those were also the sites showing the 160mbs when I connected the laptop.

I'll try another network port. I am correct in that plugging directly into the hub should be giving me those 820mbs speeds?
Assuming the ports are not damaged/bugged, and they're 1gb ports, and there's nothing wrong with the ethernet cables, then yes. You should be seeing the same 820mb speeds or more.
I just tried a different laptop and a different port on the hub, and had 1gbs. Must have been a combination of laptop/port.

Tried same laptop plugged in via powerline and 220mbs. Obviously the wiring and I will need to run an ethernet cable upstairs.

Thanks for your help, much appreciated.
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