Sky HD box not recording/working properly any more

18 Oct 2002
, Washington DC
I'm extremely annoyed with the quality of my SKy HD box atm. It's been freezing/locking up a bit since getting it, requiring a reset but I thought I could stand that.

It's now developed a fair few more annoying faults:-

1. 'There is a fault with this channel/no signal is being received'

When watching a recording, I'll switch back to live TV only to be confronted with a blue screen and no picture/sound. The box will wait a few minutes then say 'There is a fault/no signal' on every channel. The only way to fix this is to pull the mains lead. This is all well and good, unless you're recording a program as this then means the recording is best case interrupted and worst case completely disappears from the machine - including any time already recorded.

2. Box freezes up when fast forwarding/rewinding

Again on it's own not major but a real pain in the arse if you're recording something as there's no way to watch anything else and you have to choose whether to let it continue recording or lose the recording in the hopes of the box working after a reset

3. Personal planner - shows set to be recorded disappearing

Like everyone else I thought Series Link was a great introduction - you could record a whole series and never worry about missing an episode. How wrong I was. I stupidly trusted my Sky box to keep recording programs, only to one day fire up the Personal Planner to watch something I'd recorded the night before to find it's A) Not there and B) Everything else from my Personal Planner has disappeared.

4. Doesn't actually record anything

I was annoyed with all the above and contemplating getting in touch with Sky but this is the last straw. After one of the many hard lockups, I had reset the machine and then gone into the Personal Planner to see what was missing. Strangely nothing was, but all the shows had changed to 1am Monday night instead of their proper times. I painstakingly went through and deleted all of them and replaced them with new recording reminders.

Then tonight, I was watching a DVD and noticed the Sky box wasn't recording when a show I knew was in the planner had already started. I knew it was still in the planner as I'd checked it a couple of hours ago.

Into my planner I go and the show is there, at 10:00pm stating 'To be recorded'. Needless to say it wasn't recording. Now I'm basically unable to trust the **** heap of a box to record anything.

I feel really really underwhelmed for the £10 I pay a month for a 'premium' service and more importantly the £300 I've paid for a box which effectively does nothing more than my Pace V1 Sky Digital box.

The question is, where do I go from here? Obviously ring Sky, but who should I ask to speak to for the fastest service? I want to complain to the max as I'm not receiving the service I'm paying for.

If I do get a replacement box, this now means I'll lose everything I've got saved on it, which is about 80%. Documentaries I haven't had time to watch, HD films etc etc. :(

Thanks for any advice/help,

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