Sky+HD -> Sky Q

4 Jan 2003
Received an email from Sky offering a free upgrade to Sky Q 1TB, replacing my Sky+HD 2TB box. Any reason not to? Storage isn’t a concern. I’ve avoided it until now as either it cost more or I was worried about my package being changed (particularly Legacy F1 entitlement). For what it’s worth I have the Variety and Sky+HD Packs. Email states package won’t change, free setup.
If all else is the same price wise then I think it's a no brainier. I found SkyQ much better than SkyHD. Recording space is close to a non issue given the amount of on demand content.
I prefer the UI of the Sky+ boxes over the SkyQ but the Q boxes are fine.

If you get one, be careful when deleting recordings from a series link. If you've just watched episode 1 of a series and want to delete it make sure that you don't just click the delete option that's to the right of the 'play' button as it'll actually delete episode 2 rather than episode 1. Nothing major, but I've had Q for about 2.5 years and it still annoys me.

That aside, I'd still go for Q over + especially if the monthly price is the same.
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Received an email from Sky offering a free upgrade to Sky Q 1TB, replacing my Sky+HD 2TB box. Any reason not to? Storage isn’t a concern. I’ve avoided it until now as either it cost more or I was worried about my package being changed (particularly Legacy F1 entitlement). For what it’s worth I have the Variety and Sky+HD Packs. Email states package won’t change, free setup.
Be aware that Sky often use this 'deal' to get rid of the older slower V1 Q boxes which aren't UHD or HDR capable, which may be fine if you're not interested in 4K content, but if you are in the future then you'll likely have to pay the £50-£100 fee to switch to a capable box. Also worth noting that unlike +HD you never own a Q box - they are always loaned to you and have to be returned to Sky at the end of your contract.
Thanks all.
Be aware that Sky often use this 'deal' to get rid of the older slower V1 Q boxes which aren't UHD or HDR capable, which may be fine if you're not interested in 4K content, but if you are in the future then you'll likely have to pay the £50-£100 fee to switch to a capable box.
Good info, suspected it might be to shift old stock.

You're gonna lose the F1 channel is you swap, it's a legacy package you are on and cannot be transferred to Sky Q.
This was my main concern - I've heard of this happening to others in the past but didn't know if it was still a 'thing', when the email says "your TV package won't change". Not sure I trust them not to screw it up, nor pay for a box I'd actually want.. Copy of email below for reference.

You would need to move to signature bundle, which cannot include the legacy F1 channel which was only available for about a year with the entertainment package.
You're gonna lose the F1 channel is you swap, it's a legacy package you are on and cannot be transferred to Sky Q.

I kept my F1 channel when moved to Sky Q, though they do it in a roundabout way. I get it via some other package and then they add a discount to bring it down to ~£10
I kept my F1 channel when moved to Sky Q, though they do it in a roundabout way. I get it via some other package and then they add a discount to bring it down to ~£10
It's included for free in the Op's package.
The first re-contract would probably be a few pounds more, it's the future ones that he would lose out majorly on.
They're offering you and everyone it so they can get you off the F1 package.

All disguised under a free upgrade.
Why would they need to though? Surely they could just say that from this date SSF1 is no longer included in the HD pack

Granted though, this is one reason that we still have 2 Sky+HD boxes. I’m dreading the day they fail
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