SKY LCD Picture quality

3 Dec 2005
Just bought a 40 Samsung" LCD TV (LE40R73BD) and picture quality is excellent with the X360, but DVDs and SKY become blurry and fuzzy, although some channels are betetr than others, there is a visible kind of mesh around things on the screen through both sky and dvd .I would say the picture is horrible. Is this the same with all LCD to SKY-DVD connections?
Your lovely new screen is now showing up all the compression artefacts that your old screen wasn't clear enough to show.

Some Sky channels are terrible, some are OK. It all depends on what bit-rate they decide to encode a channel. As they add more channels, the bit-rate of the rest has to take a hit :(

You're seeing the same compression artefacts in the DVD. This is why some people use HTPC's for their DVD watching, as it can sharpen up a DVD image.
I hate viewing Sky close up on my LCD. Every little compression artifact leaps out at you. Even the logo on the EPG looks horrid.
The only solution i've found, is to sit further away. From about 8 - 9 feet, it looks fine on my 32"
ConfusedTA said:
Your lovely new screen is now showing up all the compression artefacts that your old screen wasn't clear enough to show.

Some Sky channels are terrible, some are OK. It all depends on what bit-rate they decide to encode a channel. As they add more channels, the bit-rate of the rest has to take a hit :(

You're seeing the same compression artefacts in the DVD. This is why some people use HTPC's for their DVD watching, as it can sharpen up a DVD image.

Pretty much what the man says tbh,
only other solution i found was to divert sky through my hdd dvdrw player which then outputs it through progressive scan via component it doesnt fix it totally but does improve it a little and dvds do look a lot better via my mce pc rather than played through my dvd player even with progressive scan :eek: .
i have the 40" sammy M61 and don't have any problems with DVD but do agree sky can be a bit crap, but then it was crap on my old crt as well as many channels are broadcast at very high compression or low bandwidth settings and sthe LCD upscaling just excarebates this. My Sky+ box is dying though as it loses lock after a day or so and needs rebooting so that may affect picture quality I dunno?
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