Sky Q and sound dropouts

4 Oct 2005
As the title says has anyone experienced sound dropouts, with their sky q box. It is driving us nuts.
I have looked up various articles it's a pretty well-known problem, I have tried tons of suggestions but none are working.

Some articles have said about changing HDMI leads. some have said its to do with downloaded content and need to delete some of the watched content. we have got the 2 tb box and our hard drive is never over 68% full.
Is it worth ringing up sky to see what they say?
Yes it's irritating, but there is nothing us mere mortals can do about it. This is 100% on Sky's end. I've just gotten used to it.
I have read through the sky q forums they are aware of the long standing issue and some people are testing a firmware which is due out soon hopefully
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