Sky subscriptions help?

23 Feb 2004
Brentwood, Essex

Atm we have normal sky just without sports and movies now as the prem starts next week I would like to get the sports pack onto what we have now, but the skys website is a little confusing for me, could someone please tell me how much extra I would have to pay to get sky sports pack onto our £21 subscription?

Adding the Sky Sports Premium package costs £36 a month in total so 21-36 = £15 a month extra. This may be lower if you make call them and sound like your not sure if your willing to pay up, i.e. they might give a month free or some thing, also if you do this you might not have to subscribe for a year, im not sure, in which case you could just get it for the premiership and also as your subscribing to a premium package you get sky+ free when you buy a box for it to work with. However check this all with sky.
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