Sky+ to SVideo Question

4 May 2003
Not sure if this belongs in the "Monitors" section of the forum or in here, but here goes anyway...

I have a Sky+ box (Amstrad DRX180) that has a S-Video connector on the back, I am thinking of buying a new TFT monitor so that I can play my Xbox 360 on it.

My question is, if I buy the Dell Ultrasharp 2005FPW 20" Widescreen TFT monitor (Which has S-video input) will I simply be able to connect the S-video out on my Sky+ box to the S-video input of the Monitor?

Thanks in advance.
Yes you can, but remember, SVideo does NOT carry audio so you would need to hook the audio out up (optical for DD5.1 or the red/white phono connectors to an amp, soundcard etc...) in order to get sound.
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