sky to virginmedia back to sky

6 Jan 2010
hi i recently swapped from sky broadband to virginmedia , i was getting 15mb with sky now only getting between 2 mb and 6mb tops with virgin , when i changed over virgin sent a bt openreach engineer out to change my line over now my speeds are rubbish i have just now cancelled my virgin isp to go back to sky will my speeds be the same now as my line was swapped ? or will sky get better speeds with the new line im on any suggestions ? i was promised 20 mb speed with virgin as thats what my line can get but after 10 days the best i get is 2mb - 6mb day and night
Yes, Virgin ADSL is rubbish and nothing compared to the Virgin Cable offering.

I am sure you'll see similar speeds to Sky on your new line before you had Virgin.

You should post your router stats.
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thanks for your reply heres my stats

Mode: G.DMT
Status: Showtime

Downstream Upstream
Rate (Kbps): 8128 kbps 448 kbps

SNR Margin (dB): 8.5 21.0
Attenuation (dB): 26.0 14.0
Output Power (dBm): 19.5 12.0

Super Frames: 224456 224467
RS Correctable Errors: 0 0
RS Uncorrectable Errors: 1 6

HEC Errors: 5 1
Total Cells: 9187 41732
Data Cells: 1916393 303876
Bit Errors: 0 0

hope this gives some better input not very good at this stuff
G.DMT is plain old ADSL and not the ADSL2+ you would need to be on to get higher than 8Mbit.

It could be that the LLU provider that Virgin use in exchanges isn't enabled at your exchange, they are full or they haven't bothered to enable your line to it properly.

I don't know who Virgin use these days but they used to use C&W/Bulldog a few years ago, maybe they still do.

Anyway I think if Virgin have put you on a basic ADSL product instead of an LLU product and not told you so then something is amiss. When I do the speed estimate on the VM site it tells me I would have 7-8Mbps as I don't have C&W/Bulldog at my exchange, yet am connecting at 20Mbit with Sky/Easynet.

Is C&W/Bulldog available at your exchange? Check it here at Samknows
thankyou for the replys so far basically i have phoned them loads and i get fobbed off with my speeds are good etc i play a lot of mmo games and most are unplayable since i went with virgin so i got my mac code and am going bk with sky ( will take about 14 days ) ive done so many speed tests and most dont go past 3mb and thats not peak times yesterday it took me nearly 10 mins to download and itunes song hence why im leaving them
Yes, Virgin ADSL is rubbish and nothing compared to the Virgin ADSL offering.
I actually read that twice thinking I'd maybe missed the point ;)

Cable for the win (would you believe F T W gets starred out on this board?) with Virgin. I've never heard anything very complimentary about their ADSL offering either.

just an update this is the current speeds virgin are giving me on a line that i used to get 20mb with sky , they told my bt was capping me bt told me it was virgins fault any way im bk with sky on 28th march on their own LLU i cant believe the speed im getting and they expect me to pay for this rubbish

Havent been able to play any online games in the evening since i switched from sky oh well i learnt my lesson the hardway i guess

just an update this is the current speeds virgin are giving me on a line that i used to get 20mb with sky , they told my bt was capping me bt told me it was virgins fault any way im bk with sky on 28th march on their own LLU i cant believe the speed im getting and they expect me to pay for this rubbish

Havent been able to play any online games in the evening since i switched from sky oh well i learnt my lesson the hardway i guess

That's because Sky use all their own equipment (unless you're on their "Connect" package), which won't be over-subscribed cack that the normal Virgin users will get. As a result, you will see brilliant results. I'm the same where I am, only around a mile and a half down from the exchange, and pretty much all ADSL providers were saying I would top out at about 3Mb, this is what I'm getting currently:


The most I usually see is topping out at around 9600kb down, 768kb up - so I'm always maxing out my upload capabilities, but the downstream lets it down a little, but I'm very happy with the service, and the customer service is generally pretty damn good (although a little hard to find the right people to talk to at times).
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