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Skylake Issues

24 Aug 2013
I seem to be having an issue with overclocking my Skylake processor.

When it comes to overclocking I am a complete novice. I overclocked my previous CPU to 4.6, without any issues. Any time I change the voltage from auto my system will not boot up.

I've tried Asus 5-way optimization which also failed. As soon as I hit start my computer won't post at all. If I leave the voltage on auto I can overclock it to 4.5.

Asus Maximus VIII Hero
Corsair h115i
Skylake 6700k

Any help will be much appreciated.
Firstly at stock settings run something like asus real bench and monitor temps, if all good go into bios and set manual vcore to 1.3v and x42 multi and test again, increase multi 1 at a time and re-test until it bsod's, if temps are still good <80c increase vcore too 1.33v and repeat. Just use xmp profile for your memories, if there speed is higher than 3466 you may need to tweak Sa/io volts a little but auto should be fine at that speed or below.
Hi Nickol,

Right, I've got it to 4.7 with a maximum temperature of 75c.

Is this temperature OK? Or should I push it further. Or maybe even drop it back to 4.6?

As you suggested, I used RealBeach.

Thanks for the help.
Thats good! 4.7ghz is plenty fast enough for 24/7 usage. As with all cpu's you may find the next multi requires a larger jump in vcore and although may be fine for a benchmark or 2 not so good for 24/7. What you can do now is up your cache/ring multi, start at x42 and work up as before, adding a touch more voltage(vcore) if required. 80c is fine but dont worry if it goes a touch over in the heavy multitasking test.
What does cache/ring multi do? What about adaptive? Would you use this.

Cache/ring increase will just make your system more efficient but just remember core is always king. You could use adaptive, once you have worked out with manual vcore you could then use adaptive to allow the system to drop voltage when there is little load, just easier at first to set/test with manual.
What memories do you have? Speed and timings?
I am running at 4.7Ghz at 1.34v. So very close to your setup. What temperatures are you getting at full load?

Nickol, I shall try what you've suggested.

I am running at 4.7Ghz at 1.34v. So very close to your setup. What temperatures are you getting at full load?

Nickol, I shall try what you've suggested.


I've used a mixture of corsair link and the gigabyte fan controls to set up three profiles in corsair link tonight.

On all three modes I have the pump on performance but everything else I adjust to suit the headings.

On quiet mode I get 76 degrees max from XTU and realbench. seems good enough to me. Performance mode drops this to late 60's but it then turns into a fighter jet haha
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