SkyQ box or Apple TV to run streaming apps?

20 Oct 2002
I have an AppleTV 4K and SkyQ box. We currently use the AppleTV for most streaming apps (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ etc.) but I do like the way they can all integrate into SkyQ. I'm going to ditch my Harmony remote so will be using the SkyQ remote going forward, which means maybe using voice control etc. (easier for my other half)

I was wondering, assuming I want to watch a 4k, HDR show/film with Dolby Atmos.. is there any difference in picture or sound offered between the SkyQ box and the AppleTV? Or any noticeable differences? I'm sure my colleague was complaining for example that the D+ app on SkyQ didn't offer Atmos for ages :confused:

I have an AppleTV 4K and SkyQ box. We currently use the AppleTV for most streaming apps (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ etc.) but I do like the way they can all integrate into SkyQ. I'm going to ditch my Harmony remote so will be using the SkyQ remote going forward, which means maybe using voice control etc. (easier for my other half)

I was wondering, assuming I want to watch a 4k, HDR show/film with Dolby Atmos.. is there any difference in picture or sound offered between the SkyQ box and the AppleTV? Or any noticeable differences? I'm sure my colleague was complaining for example that the D+ app on SkyQ didn't offer Atmos for ages :confused:

Apple TV is superior, also any extras or special editions (ie aliens special edition) of movies or TV series that you own isn’t available on the Apple TV app
Putting Apple TV through the filter that is SkyQ just adds a layer of unneeded complexity.

For example: Later Q boxes support HDR, but earlier ones don't. The same content isn't available via the app as it is directly from an ATV device. Sporadic sound problems such as losing DD5.1 / Atmos, or getting audio dropouts.

Sky is trying to stay relevant against the onslaught of streaming. It's betting that enough customers will be lazy so that integrating the Apple TV+ app means those customers are more likely to stay loyal to Sky. It's a sensible enough plan. Leveraging the success of Apple is a good business idea for Sky. All the customer gets though is the convenience of using one remote and no need for an extra box. The trade-offs are it's less reliable, and more technically limited.
Thank you @lucid that’s the kind of info I was looking for. Do people really get those issues often with the SkyQ box? I’ll have a hunt around online this afternoon..
Thank you @lucid that’s the kind of info I was looking for. Do people really get those issues often with the SkyQ box? I’ll have a hunt around online this afternoon..
They had some problems in March of this year. Check the Sky forums.
The paramount and discovery app are the only apps worth using on the sky box as these only offer HD streams, infact having used the paramount app on both the ATV4k and shield, the superior app is the one built in to the sky box, both streaming boxes had low bitrate picture issues and low sound levels whereas the sky app (HDR box) maintained the bitrate and has punchier sound in my experience.

The other thing to consider is that the sky apps are also available through the skyq mini boxes which cuts down on additional streaming boxes elswhere in the home. So even though the majority of the appeal are sub par they have a use.
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The other thing to consider is that the sky apps are also available through the skyq mini boxes which cuts down on additional streaming boxes elswhere in the home. So even though the majority of the appeal are sub par they have a use.
Having just upgraded the lounge to an OLED, my trusty plasma is going to be in the study where I can finally use my SkyQ mini box which has been sat gathering dust for a couple of years :p Good point re. the apps. I shall remind my girlfriend of that when she gets sent upstairs to watch Sex and The City or whatever guff she wants to nowadays :o
The apps on Sky Q boxes are all hosted on a server, not on the box itself so tend to be very sluggish. They are also locked to either 50Hz or 60Hz output (with judder reduction turned on). An Apple TV 4K box will give you proper frame rate matching so will output movies shot at 24fps at 24P. You also get more HDR options with Apple TV - HDR10, HDR10+, HLG and Dolby Vision are all compatible. Sky Q can only output HDR10 or HLG from apps.
Sorry to highjack this thread.
I have been watching this with great interest.
How would an apple 4k device vs tv apps fair (LG)
Netflix/Prime/Disney/Parament ect ?
Thank you
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