Skyrim Help please

9 Feb 2009
Ok guys got this from the steam sale it I can not even play it the horse and carts at the start just spin around constantly. I have tried various fixes I could find but nothing works so far.

I have set monitor to 60hz ect and as for changing to Vsync in Nvidia CP it can not be done Vsync does not show anywhere in there just Gsync. I have no mods or cheats at all and I have tried it without the addon content and with the addon content and it does the same thing.
Is this what it's doing? If it is, it's very likely the fps being uncapped. I remember you said you had changed the Skyrim ini file for iPresetInterval... but did you change it in the .ini file in the steam folder? If I remember right, this game has ini files in both the "Documents" folder and the actual game folder and it's the game folders one you need to change. If you change it in the "Documents" folder it does nothing.

Go to your Steam Directory -> steamapps -> common -> skyrim -> Skyrim
Open the SkyrimPrefs.ini file, then scroll down to where it says [Display]
Add to the bottom of the section iPresentInterval=0
Save and exit
When you do that, set the file to be read only, otherwise it'll overwrite changes every time you launch the game. Downside if any graphics changes made in game wont load when you exit and restart (unless you change the ini file to reflect it)
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