Skyrim SE - Bethesda Mods

6 Jan 2013
I'm looking to get a nostalgic play through of Skyrim, but this time I want to actually focus on playing the game as opposed to endless modding which inevitably ends up breaking something. However, I've noticed that the Bethesda mods that are accessible via the game are similar to Nexus and contain what look like essential mods like the unofficial patch.

Are any of you using the Bethesda versions? Is there a load/install order to follow? I'm assuming Bethesda test these mods prior to inclusion in the game?
why would you want to pay for something when nexus etc are free.

edit ---

it was addons i was thinking of that are charged for not mods.
Yeah, they're free.

I've installed a few essentials including a fix for Ultrawide from Nexus, and all seems good. I'm actually enjoying playing the game again. :)
Likewise. I never finished Skyrim. Not even close. Modding would always put the brakes on it!

I'm finally going to do it though! I'm using the unofficial patch, the achievement mod & Intrigued ENB using the performance preset. And that's all. So far so good:P
It's been good to get tore into the game again, I forgot how awesome and atmospheric it is, it must be the best soundtrack to a game ever. :)

Here's my Mod List and Load Order if anyone's interested. I don't see any need for many more, and the game looks fine.



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