SkyWave Linux

30 Jan 2019
I decided to revive an old desktop PC I had which is just a duo core 2 machine so its nothing spectacular but I thought I'd have some fun with it to see what I could do. I maxed it out with 4 GB of RAM and it has two hard drives inside one 250 GB and the other being 500 GB.

I thought I'd dump Skywave Linux on it as my other hobby is Ham radio... I've been looking at Skywave Linux for a while but have never tried it out until today. Its a stripped down version of Ubuntu from what I can tell with some Ham Radio apps. I wanted to do a bit more with it as I had some issues with getting the computer to boot into Skywave so I ended up disconnecting the second hard drive then I was able to boot into Skywave.

What I wanted to do was use the disk partitioning tool so I could wipe the second hard drive clean and use it for some extra storage if I ever needed it, however some of the applications are not working such as the disk partitioning tool and software center. I wanted to have a look in the software center to see what other disk tools are available to try but the software center app isn't working neither. When click on them nothing happens so I did a sudo update and it was very quick and tried the said apps again but same thing happened so I decided to remove the said apps and reinstall them in the terminal but the same thing happened again.

Its no big deal as I'm just having some fun to see what I could do and maybe use this old computer for something.

It might not be the OS itself thats at fault as I recall this computer had issues before with running apps on other OS's in the past.

I'm not sure I like the lay out of Skywave I guess Lubuntu would be better and then I can install the apps I need. I love Lubuntu because its light and basic and has a tidy look to it plus I can pretty much do the same things on it as any other Linux distro.

Any thoughts on Skywave Linux?

Can anybody recommend a fix for the apps that are not working?
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