SL5X5....sprained wrist

13 Jun 2005
West Midlands

So into week 4 and making good progress on my SL5X5 program. Great workout on Monday but appear to have sprained my wrist :(. Still tempted to go in today and do workout A (SQ, BP, BOR) but I think I should probably give todays training a miss as wrist is quite painful. Was all geared up to squat 50kg today so a little bit gutted.

Questions -

If my wrist takes the rest of the week to heal up does next week then become my week 4?

If my wrist takes longer to heal then will I have to be resigned to using machines instead of free weights for a period of time?
Squat without using your arms/hands: you will know if your technique is good by whether the bar stays on your back or not. ;) :D

It alls depends on:

- what your technique is like;
- what you have actually done to your wrist (sprain normally means ligament damange which should not be messed with).

So, depending on what you've done, you might be safer off (long term) taking a week to do some derp-worthy leg pressing/amchine stuff for your lower limbs. The best thing to do is just rest it, as ligaments are tetchy things at best.
Thanks mate.

For squatting, since there is no squat rack or cage I am having to do frontal squats. This normally entails lifting the weight from the floor, holding it at waist height and then power clean it to rest across my upper chest for the five reps. During the reps I try and keep my wrists straight because allowing them to bend backwards causes some discomfort (not sure if this is right but it is becoming difficult to keep wrists straight the heavier the weight gets).

Not sure if it is a proper sprain. Moving the wrist around causes some discomfort, think I might go get it checked out by the doc tomorrow.

If I use machines during my healing break should I be able to pickup my SL5X5 workout from where I left it pre injury?

Not sure if any of the above constitutes requesting medical advice. If it does please correct me OcUK.
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Go see the doctor. :)

Regarding your training, you sound like your are doing your front squats in a very, very bad way (I.e. by holding the bar instead of rest it on your delts...).

And I would rather you heal than worry about two weeks of training: life goes on, but is better if your wrist works. :)
So saw the doc and have been told no weight lifting for 6 weeks :(

Fine to use the cardio machines, but advised not to even use the machine weights as could aggravate the wrist. 4 weeks of effort down the drain.

Oh well, time to change my gym to one that has a squat rack/cage. In the meantime ill just top up on cardio and focus on losing some of the gut.
Not quite - it taught you some form and did you good for those 4 weeks. It's massively frustrating to have to take time off I know, but you'll come raring back and stronger for the 4 weeks work already done.

100% true regarding good form going forward.

Definitely is frustrating as work annoys me to high heaven. Being able to go into the gym and push those heavy weights (heavy for me :p) was in itself a major stress reliever. Its not a complete loss though as I do remember the doc saying that I can use the machines to do lower limb work where using my hands isn't required.

Looks like it will be a mix of cardio, machine press and leg extensions for the next 6 weeks:)
Good mornings, front squats with a zombie/california grip, back squats without hands... the possibilities are endless if yo ucan find somebody to walk you through these concepts.

However, I would honestly suggest kicking back and chilling out whilst using the leg press and some leg extension/curl-y type stuff as those aren't real exercises anyway. ;)

Good luck and hope you get it sorted. ;)
Did the Bulgarian split squats. 3 sets of 10 on each leg. They really are a killer - didn't help that I did them after 20 minutes on the x-trainer and leg extensions. Ill be doing this going forward until my wrist is healed up.

Thanks for the encouragement gentlemen :)
Did the Bulgarian split squats. 3 sets of 10 on each leg. They really are a killer - didn't help that I did them after 20 minutes on the x-trainer and leg extensions. Ill be doing this going forward until my wrist is healed up.

Thanks for the encouragement gentlemen :)

Just wait 'til you try to get out of bed tomorrow ;)
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