
I Sky +'d it so I'll probably watch it tonight.

PS - You should change your sig
The FAQ said:
400 x 75 pixels (width x height) and with a maximum (combined) file size of 20k. Images containing mostly very large words or animated .gifs will not be permitted
Thanks for the heads up about the sig.

Back to the movie, if anyone saw it, it was based on atrue life story. Its horrific what goes on in thos places.
Kevin Bacon one?

Didn't make me "so upset" but it's not exactly a happy film. Thought it wasn't too bad, and held my interest throughout.
I read the book. I came home about 10:45 and started watching but it didn't really do the story justice so I think I gave it about 30 mins. Great story though, I recommend the book.
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