
2 Oct 2004
N.W London
Hey peeps,

Would anyone be kind enough to slice this up for me so I can use it for my homepage for my site...I designed it but do not know the first thing about bringing photoshop web layouts in dreamweaver....

Please help

here it is

all help would be most appreciated

thanks in advance

That tutorial is pretty spot on - there's not much more to be said. The only thing more that people could do is follow that tutorial for you, in a nutshell:

Open image in ImageReady
Slice image using Slice tool
Save Optimized As...

This will save the sliced images and the html used to create them.
Mr^B said:
That tutorial is pretty spot on - there's not much more to be said. The only thing more that people could do is follow that tutorial for you, in a nutshell:

Open image in ImageReady
Slice image using Slice tool
Save Optimized As...

This will save the sliced images and the html used to create them.

As above, thats how I do it, Then you can edit the HTML in notepad to get other desired effects like autosizing etc.

Slice her up Dude! looking good.
first of all thanks for all your help....your are right it really is that simple, that three part process and voila its up....

take a look : xirokx's site

however... ;)

if you view the source code, although imageready gave me the html.....its using tables....

Id like to use css and divs.....

so my question is how easy / hard would it be to code it using css and divs?

all help / advice / suggestions would be most appreciated

thanks for all your help so far....its most appreciated

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