'Slingshot' to the moon.

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Woops >.< Tired! I didnt even think of that, only reading the article today and having not slept last night x_X *runs away* :(
There's an interesting April Fool's article somewhere about a man who came back in time and predicted major events such as 9/11 somewhere. I think yahoo did it.

iCraig said:

This is in todays Metro too :confused:

Though i must admit have seen this 'Slingshot' idea on Discovery Channel type doc's before!
Wzd said:
Though i must admit have seen this 'Slingshot' idea on Discovery Channel type doc's before!

So have I, but the slingshot metaphor was used as how the gravitational pull of the moon and other planets have a slingshot effect.

Not an actual slingshot made out of cables orbitting the Earth and Moon :\
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