Slipped off Bike

14 Nov 2006
Manchester, UK
Hey guy's,
This morning on the way to work, I went round a corner and slipped off my bike. I was only doing 5MPH so I'm not hurt but the bike went over none the less. Go a nice scuff on the clutch and a scratch on the engine and the rear indicator is bent. Question is, can I get back on the bike and still use it?
It was still running when I picked it up but because I was close to home I turned it off and walked it back. It's really the only way for me to get to work. No other damage visable but I'm unsure if it's safe to ride again.
The bike is a Yamaha SR125 and its a P reg so it is getting on in life.
Any help will be greatly recieved :)
Yeah I was off the bike for 30 seconds, got up and turned the bike off as I had to get it out of the way because of traffic. I shall have another look at the bike when I'm home but everything looked fine.
Cheers for the quick reply
Yeh I did my test on one a fair few years ago. It only slid about 3 meters if that so I will still make double sure that it's ok before I go out on it. Didn't seem bad when I pushed it back home.
Cheers again for the responces
Just got into work on the bike. Ride was fantastic! No problems what so ever. She purred like a kitten and had no loss in power etc. The only issue was fog but we always take it easy when driving in the fog.
From the bike side, scratch on the engine, left wing mirror was out of place and my clutch handle position had moved. No other damage other than a scuff on my motorbike boot.
Well a few week's on and it still runs like a dream. I've put it down to experiance to what to do if I fall of the bike.
Indeed we all drop our bikes at some point. At least I did it at a slow speed and not high speed.
Snow is fantastic for riding motorbikes ^^ Kidding of course. I did a nice wheel spin on mine last winter and nearly lost the bike.
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