Slipstreaming problem

12 Apr 2004
I'm trying to slipstream SP2 into a Windows XP Pro installation (and making a few tweaks to the way it installs as well) using nLite. I've built the ISO and burnt it to a CD using Nero. All goes well until just after I select the partition to install Windows to, at which point I get an error message saying that the file Si3112r.sys could not be copied (this is part of the S-ATA driver that Windows is trying to install from a floppy).

I've tried building a new ISO, reburning etc., but I always get the same result :confused:
Don't mean to be rude and treat you as if you are dumb but you have included the sys file into the ISO? There is a feature to integrate the SATA drivers that Windows will need if installing to a SATA drive. You have an nVidia motherboard yes? What model exactly? I have to use that exact same sys file on my Epox EP-9NPA+ Ultra.
I can't actually remember ecactly what I did with regards to the driver :o I think I left them out and decided to just use the floppy at installation instead, as I might be using it on other computers without the need for the driver. I might have put them on the disc though (although if I did, i didn't put the .sys on there... I thought it would automatically add all files needed for that driver...). If I was to add these extra files to the ISO after it's been built, where would I put them?

My motherboard is an A7N8X-E Deluxe.

I'll make a small partition and play around with that for testing Windows installations...
Personaly i would reopen Nlite and start again and integrate SP2 and add the drivers there and then as they will only be installed if they are needed. My slipstream cd's have both ATI and Nvidia display drivers and also the sata and ide raid drivers for a bout 6 different computers.
Inquisitor said:
Ok, I'll try that. Where do I need to put the additional files in the ISO?
I think BigBoy means to restart nLite and make a new ISO so that nLite puts the SATA drivers in the right place without you having to try to work out where to add them to the ISO manually.
Make sure you examine nlite advanced settings carefully as some options disable the ability to hit F6 to add a SATA driver. I built a slipstreamed DVD the same way a few weeks ago and had no trouble integrating the SIL drivers (both x32 + x64).
I got the exact same problem as you Inquisitor, reading this thread has helped me out. i'll make a new one today.

Thanks guys.
MarcLister said:
I think BigBoy means to restart nLite and make a new ISO so that nLite puts the SATA drivers in the right place without you having to try to work out where to add them to the ISO manually.
That's the thing - I think it only put the .inf file on there, hence it not being able to find the .sys file. How would I make sure they all go on there?
Thanks for the help fellas. I'll have a play around and hopefully I'll be able to get it working.

Just out of interest, would I need different S-ATA drivers for installing Linux (Fedora Core 4)? If so where would I find them?
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