Slot canyon

19 Oct 2003
Olympia, WA, USA
I went to a slot canyon today. I took about 100 photos, I've only just started going through them, but here's a small selection.

It's quite a difficult shooting envorinment. The light areas near the sky are ahout 10 stops brighter than the dark sections near the floor. I did some bracketed shots in the hope of making some HDR images.

Anyway, these are single shots that I can show for now.

C&C appreciated.



Dr.EM said:
They look great :eek: :)

Don't think HDR will improve it much, but would be interested in seeing the result :)

Thanks. I'm doing the HDR ones for the areas where the difference between light and dark areas was too large for the camera sensor. They also look like they'll be the most interesting photos.
woodsy2k said:
One word. Excellent.

That is the type of shot that is right up my street. I honestly cant think of a bad word to say.

The composition, the sharpness, both very good. The colours are very vivid, yet not too much to handle. The lines, shapes and contrast adds just the right amount of abstract feel to images of a scene that are as natural as they come.

Very nice indeed. Deffo my sort of photo.

Thanks for the comments. :)
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