slow cooker recipes

7 Nov 2004
On another planet
i just got a slow cooker after loads of people have told me they are great,so if anyone has any good recipes for me to try out,healthier the better for my diet :)
Not really recipes, but almost anything with a lot of liquid that can't over cook works. Bolognese (less the pasta), chilli con carne, stew, mince and dumplings (add these once you get in from work for the last few mins), curry etc are all great :)
lamb shanks! cooked over night seriously delightful. get the butcher to crack the bone to release the marrow, lovely thick gravy full of flavour.

I gotta go with rotters on this one. Lamb Shanks are simply amazing. I normally cook mine with some root veg and beef stock for about 18 hours on low. Makes a gorgeous gravy and is incredibly tender. Mine fall off the bone when I lift them out.

There are some good books in the forest

I have the '200 Slow Cooker Recipes' by Hamlyn which is very good and recently bought 'Slow Cooking Curries and Spicy Dishes' by Carolyn Humphries which seems ok but has no pictures and prefer to know roughly what the dish will look like once cooked.

They're so good I actually have a brand new spare in the loft. Stew works amazingly well - great for Sunday roast alternative, whack it on on Saturday evening on low, ready for Sunday lunch!

I love my slow cooker and I can really recommend the Hamlyn book. One of my own recipes is also one of the simplest, you can cook a whole chicken in it and have good chicken for days.
Get an onion a lemon, some thyme, rosemary and a chicken. Slice the lemon and onion, put the onion in the bottom of the pot, chicken on top and then the lemon and spices. Cook on low for like 7-8 hours and voila, easy and cheap chicken :).
Just tried a chicken curry in my slow cooker last night, first time ive used one. Boy was it tasty! The smell drove me mental for 4 flipping hours!
Worth the wait though. I have ordered that Hamlyn book, so we shall see what else can be done in it :D.

It was only £7 from wilkos as well. Figured if it was handy to have, then I would buy a larger one.
Great that this thread just popped up as today i decided to do my first slow cooked dinner.
Korma! :)
I marinated the beef overnight, but when its in the slow cooker the sauce doesn't fully cover the meat. Is this going to be a problem?
If so, i'll go out and buy another jar of korma to cover me more meals, bonus!

edit: mine is one of those rice-steamer-deep fryer-slow cooker thingies. Great for steaming veg and far!

Lol, careful dude! ;) first slow cook meal went it today......beef korma.
Not terribly imaginative i know, but i wanted a cheapy to try. Would be gutted if i got home tonight ravenous to find out it had gone horibly wrong.
Had to go out and buy another jar of korma sauce though as one jar didn't quite cover the meat.

Rainforest, river place etc is getting on my bits, I have no idea why people think its a competitor for books and then break another rule by hinting. :p

Just got my first slow cooker from John Lewis a digital one with a delay timer so I can make some food for nightshifts while I sleep.

This book has just come through which I will read this week, has deserts in which I'm not interested in, just main meal.
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