Heya guys, i am a big fan of battlefield 2 but one thing that really annoys me are the map load times... well first off u prob think i got a low end pc but my pc isnt really.
I got an opty [email protected] with 2gb of skill zx ram 2-3-2-5 with a x1900xtx and a 300gb sata 2 mobo.
Now with a system like this it takes me ages to get into a map, sometimes around 2-3mins when im getting beat into games by friends on a64's with slower ram and crapper graphics cards.
Anyone got any thoughts on why this is happening.
the hdd's that the game is running from isnt compressed in anyway or form.
Cheers, in advanced.
I got an opty [email protected] with 2gb of skill zx ram 2-3-2-5 with a x1900xtx and a 300gb sata 2 mobo.
Now with a system like this it takes me ages to get into a map, sometimes around 2-3mins when im getting beat into games by friends on a64's with slower ram and crapper graphics cards.
Anyone got any thoughts on why this is happening.
the hdd's that the game is running from isnt compressed in anyway or form.
Cheers, in advanced.