Slow map load times on Battlefield 2

3 Jun 2005
Bristol/Portsmouth, England
Heya guys, i am a big fan of battlefield 2 but one thing that really annoys me are the map load times... well first off u prob think i got a low end pc but my pc isnt really.

I got an opty [email protected] with 2gb of skill zx ram 2-3-2-5 with a x1900xtx and a 300gb sata 2 mobo.

Now with a system like this it takes me ages to get into a map, sometimes around 2-3mins when im getting beat into games by friends on a64's with slower ram and crapper graphics cards.

Anyone got any thoughts on why this is happening.

the hdd's that the game is running from isnt compressed in anyway or form.

Cheers, in advanced.
stops briefly at 62% but its not the optimizing part and its not for that long, its just slow overall. im being beaten into the game by mates with far crappier systems and its really annoying. and i mean im getting in about 2mins after them :(
is it just slow for BF2 or do you have this in any other programs?

has it always been this way or has it started since a particular patch or new gfx driver?

you could try reinstalling the game and the patches, making sure you have the latest motherboard/chipset drivers is always advisable too.
Doesnt everyone have slow map load times?

For me it can stick on a percentage for about 15 - 20 seconds.

Still loads though ofcourse :p

- Denic
Firstly, installing and patching BF2 fragments your HD if you've not already defragged your hard drive make sure you do this.

Textures - these set to medium or high?

Map size - you loading 64 player? If so, and if textures are set to high this'll be the cause of your long load times IMO
install 2 gig of ram and you'll load amazingly fast.
i personally have a measly 512ddr + 256 crap and take a while
all my other bf2 buds have 2gig and have taken flags, all the vehicles , before i get to choose my kit !!!!

virgin post
eekfek said:
install 2 gig of ram and you'll load amazingly fast.
i personally have a measly 512ddr + 256 crap and take a while
all my other bf2 buds have 2gig and have taken flags, all the vehicles , before i get to choose my kit !!!!


@OP, its normal to take ages to load. are the people getting in there before on a better internet connection?
I swear it wasnt this slow when i first done it, i have got 2 gb of ram running anyway.

im going to uninstall bf2, defrag and reinstall with the full patch and not the incrementles, and see if this sorts it. anyone got any other ideas?

Oh and the capturing a flag before joining happens to me and ive got 10mb connection and a faster pc... something aint right.
well, if you make any adjustment to the video settings it has to 'optimise' the gfx on loading for some annoying reason.

think its all down to a combination of , ram, proc speed,gfx card.

and most of all patience .

do what i do, make a coffee or read a chapter in a book

ingame bf2 nick -=> tega.Syndrome
Nixeh said:
I swear it wasnt this slow when i first done it, i have got 2 gb of ram running anyway.

im going to uninstall bf2, defrag and reinstall with the full patch and not the incrementles, and see if this sorts it. anyone got any other ideas?

Oh and the capturing a flag before joining happens to me and ive got 10mb connection and a faster pc... something aint right.

You could try closing all your background running processes before playing BF2, I have a crap PC and have to do this for any game, but it definately speeds up loading regardless :p
Get yourself a Raptor. It will speed up load times no end. I've seen load times on my system and a very similar system without a Raptor and mine has beaten it hands down at loading into BF2.

Keep your harddrive free of clutter and regularly defraggled and it should speed up a bit as well:)
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