Slow Pulled Pork Help

27 Apr 2007
Morning folks, I'm currently attempting Platypus's slow pulled pork recipe but I'm a little lost over how long I should put my joint of meat in the oven for and at what temperature?.
He used a 2.5kg joint where as mine is a 1.34kg joint.
Could anyone help as I don't have a meat thermometer either.
Many thanks for any help :)
The problem is that without a meat thermometer you'll just have to keep checking to see if it pulls every 20 mins. People can guess, say 130 for 6 hours, but the meat has to reach ~90 degrees c before it'll pull.
Ok I get ya, I decided to put it in on gas mark 1 and after 3 hours checking it every so often.
How does that sound?
Might be worth you getting a temperature probe in future.

I have a "Lcd Digital Probe Food Thermometer Temperature Catering" from amazing they are currently £3.19 with free shipping and it seems accurate ( I tested it on boiling water)
I done a 2kg pork shoulder last weekend and cooked it for 5hrs at 150oC, didn't check it just left it, took it out and it just fell apart, absolutely amazing!

Hope this helps!
^ That would depend on the temperature. 4 hours at 120 would not be enough for the meat to reach the temperature required to break down the fat and the fibres.
Will be fine for a 1.3kg joint, but 120 is very low, I would tend to only elave it at 120 for 90 minutes and then up it each hour, but I tend to do my long slow cooks of pulled pork on the BBQ.
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