Slow upload

17 Aug 2019
Chester UK
I just solved my GPU issues and now I have a slow upload problem. All devices in my household seem to be receiving around 20mbps upload but my new build seems to only reach between 1-4Mb upload.

Any ideas guys, this is wired in to the router but even on wireless it’s the same. Speed test on wireless on the mobile even gets 20Mb upload. Yet the PC wired or wireless seems to be limited. Download is fine around 60-80Mb.

It’s an X570 Mag Tomahawk, latest bios installed (bar the one in beta testing). Latest drivers downloaded for Lan/Wireless/Bluetooth.

On the topic of Bluetooth I have tested with this tired on and off and I still get the same results. I have bounced the router but still no joy.

I have tried closing all background apps and tested again, no joy.

Any help or advice appreciated.
I'd be trying safe mode with networking (not as easy to access on Windows 10 as it used to be, but still possible) and see if the problem goes away. It's also worth booting into a Linux Live environment and testing from there.

You'd then have some idea whether it's a configuration issue (most likely) or hardware.
It's an outside shot but do you have VLANs enabled on your router? With per-VLAN restrictions? If so, is your PC getting assigned to the wrong VLAN and getting restricted that way?
It's an outside shot but do you have VLANs enabled on your router? With per-VLAN restrictions? If so, is your PC getting assigned to the wrong VLAN and getting restricted that way?
Shouldn’t have, only just moved to my new ISP (BT) a few weeks ago and i’v not changed any router settings as yet. Still rocking the standard ssid and password at the mo.
I'd be trying safe mode with networking (not as easy to access on Windows 10 as it used to be, but still possible) and see if the problem goes away. It's also worth booting into a Linux Live environment and testing from there.

You'd then have some idea whether it's a configuration issue (most likely) or hardware.
I’ll try this as last resort. I’m sure it must be something simple somewhere.
As a last resort?

Checking in safe mode is quick and takes very little effort. It's a basic diagnostic step for the sort of situation you've found yourself in.

Even booting into Linux is quick and painless (assuming you have a flash drive available).
As a last resort?

Checking in safe mode is quick and takes very little effort. It's a basic diagnostic step for the sort of situation you've found yourself in.

Even booting into Linux is quick and painless (assuming you have a flash drive available).
Ah sorry, I figured booting to Linux would have been a right task. It’s my first PC/build so I don’t know a great deal. I’ll look into it. Cheers
Figured it out!

After changing and testing all NIC settings etc turns out it was apiece of software called CFos. MSI Dragon Centre uses of ironically for performing speed tests!!! Uninstalled that and bang, I’m back to 20Mbps upload.
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