Slowing Down Solos

get one of the soundtouch type plugins for your media player and you can do it easily then. quality wont ultimately be as good but for slowing down solo's you should be fine:)
Phalanx said:
Get Guitar Pro and download the guitar pro tab to a song off or or google.

It'll play the solo for you and show the notes to play

Aye but there's a good chance of mistakes though, as anyone could have tabbed it.

I'm not saying doing it yourself doesn't leave room for error either, but I'd prefer to do it myself personally.

WMP can also slow stuff down by using opening up the enhancements menu, I believe the track has to be of a certain file format, it's either WMA or MP3, I'm not sure.
Andelusion said:
Aye but there's a good chance of mistakes though, as anyone could have tabbed it.

I'm not saying doing it yourself doesn't leave room for error either, but I'd prefer to do it myself personally.

WMP can also slow stuff down by using opening up the enhancements menu, I believe the track has to be of a certain file format, it's either WMA or MP3, I'm not sure.

i've found most people's tabs to be 100% accurate actually
I've got GP5 (oh btw ultimateguitar has a - in the middle) there are different versions of each song and all are tabbed differently,, go figure lol
Phalanx said:
i've found most people's tabs to be 100% accurate actually

Personally speaking I wouldn't be so sure. There's often better ways to play things than people have tabbed and there's often subtleties in the playing that are missed.

That's not to say that a lot of tabs aren't great and near 100% perfect (personally I like the ones that people have robbed from professional tab books ;)), but a lot of them seem to be made by hacks with a point to make!
Phalanx said:
i've found most people's tabs to be 100% accurate actually

I think that's a pretty wild claim to make really. I mean it completely depends on what kind of music you're tabbing out for a start. If I were to go and tab out a song by someone.. I dunno.. The Kooks or whatever, I could probably get it 100% accurate, but even then I wouldn't be so sure. But if I tried to do a Guthrie Govan guitar piece, then it wouldn't be that accurate.

I think you've got to trust your own ears really, by all means get a tab off the net, but if you think a section of it's wrong, then there's a good chance it could be.

Personally it's always best to try and do things yourself anyway, you can learn a lot from doing everything by ear as I'm sure you already know.
I'm a noob bass player, is there any program that can filter out the guitar from a track allowing me to hear the bass better without messing up the tone?
eriedor said:
I'm a noob bass player, is there any program that can filter out the guitar from a track allowing me to hear the bass better without messing up the tone?

that's impossible unless you have access to the multi tracked versions of songs. Much easier to use guitar pro tabs or get a version of the song which was recorded with the guitar track deactivated
eriedor said:
I'm a noob bass player, is there any program that can filter out the guitar from a track allowing me to hear the bass better without messing up the tone?

Using a graphic equaliser plugin you could turn down the higher frequencies and turn up the bass frequencies.
In fact Winamp has got a graphic.

georges said:
Winamp + Pacemaker plugin (I got it off the winamp site)

Slow it down the up the pitch. :)

This works a treat.
There's a free program called Transcribe kicking around the net somewhere. Purpose designed for transcribing music (funny that!) It slows down, doesn't change the pitch, and has an excellent interface for looping tiny sections of the music so you can hear what's going on in more detail.
Andelusion said:
WMP can also slow stuff down by using opening up the enhancements menu, I believe the track has to be of a certain file format, it's either WMA or MP3, I'm not sure.
This is by far the easiest way.
People who say tabs are wrong are the same people who say wikipedia is full of junk - lazy criticism. You can at least use them as a signpost and use your ears to work out the nuances.
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