My Mum (who's 72) has had a Motorola Moto G4 for many years but it's on its way out. I'm after a cheap Android phone to replace it, her only two stipulations are:
If there's nothing smaller out there, what's the best phone generally for around £200-250? There's a few Samsungs and OnePlus' which look like they might do, I guess in this price range they're all much the same though?
- More storage (not difficult since the Moto G4 has a whopping 16GB of storage)
- Smaller than the Moto G4 (which is 153mm tall) to fit easier in a pocket
If there's nothing smaller out there, what's the best phone generally for around £200-250? There's a few Samsungs and OnePlus' which look like they might do, I guess in this price range they're all much the same though?