Thanks, cleaned off both the old thermal paste, applied the new stuff and that is now sortred. Now the small problem of working out why my PC won't boot properly (all fans turn on, no beeps, no output) :O
Had this problem when I first put it together a few years ago, think it was something to do with the Power Led, Reset switch etc etc (those pesky little plugs on a 2 row thing)
-edit- bah! One day I would love it if a PC would work first time after taking it apart
Those little plugs can't be the problem because i've tried them both ways (they are in correct pos, I have a diagram stuck on to the case).
My monitor is on and nothing happens apart from the green light continuously flashing.
Maybe I havn't plugged the graph card in properly <shrugs>
This is doing my nut!!!!! Its always the same problem lol
Reading various posts people always say that if you get NO POST beeps then either the m'board or CPU are dead. I just can't accept that because nothing happened to them. The only contact I had with the CPU was cleaning the old thermal paste from it so I could apply some new stuff. For this I used some Isopropyl (sp ?) with a cotton bud, then dryed it with a cotton bud. The CPU never once came out of its socket, and it wasn't as if I put any pressure on the chip itself. So for the moment I can't see how it would be the CPU.
The motherboard, again I can't think of anything that would have blown it up or fried it. Ok I took it out of the case in the usual manner that I have taken all of my motherboards out, and placed it upon a nice straight non-static surface whilst I messed around installing fans and what not. The 24 pin power is plugged in, the 12v 4pin is plugged in, CPU Fan is in, Graphics is in, thought this could be the prob but no Post Beeps means its not getting anywhere.
As I was saying above, I'm always having this problem and its always something to do with the little LED connectors, but I've tried them all back to front, they all sit in the correct space according to the diagram. Surely they should all face the same way as each other ? (This is the only thing I havn't tried, maybe 1 of the HDD Led, PWR Switch, Reset Switch, or Speaker plugs goes in an opposite direction) ????
ARG! It's Trial and error I know, but its like hitting your head against a brick wall.
Frustrating as ever.