Small combined Keyboard and Mouse/Tracker

22 Oct 2004
Any recommendations?

So far all I have found is something like a 'RII ProMini 2.4GHz Tiny Wireless Keyboard (Built-in TouchPad/Laser Pointer)'.
Logitech K400 is probably the most popular if you want to do any typing with the device.
Going dinky is fine as long as you don't want to do any typing.
It will be used to control the laptop which will be hooked up to an egpu under my TV. The egpu cable isnt massive, and I can't be bother to keep going back to the laptop to move the cusror on the screen around or tap the odd bit of text in to log in to iracing, and then go and sit down at the wheel which is 2 meters away from the lappie.
I just bought the new microsoft all in one keyboard/mouse combo and its a great piece of kit, solidly built and good keys and mouse pad
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