Small lay down case??

11 Jan 2019
I have managed to pick up a amd Apu bundle in trade for a phone.

the motherboard is matx I’m wanting to get rid of my media centre and use this but that was itx and fit ok on tv unit. So now I need a small flat(lay down) type case.

what are my options.
Not really certain what you mean, I had a look and have come with these 3 cases that seem to be designed to be rested on their side.
I've assumed you mean Mini-ITX too, given Full ITX isn't that common.

Although honestly many cases will probably be fine rested on their side so long as they don't have side intake.
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Need Mtx

The ml03 look like it could work need to double check the width.


pan slim would accept matx easily as i'm using atx

believe there is a smaller version in the works but no eta

it can handle 10KG ! support beams across the middle, aluminum shell along with beams added to it allow the support

least allow you to expand in the future and if you get ARGB right.. looks killer!

sizing is currently that of a 27" monitor but 40 inch tv depending on the stand would work
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