Yea, you're probably right. Maybe I'll look into something like the Silverstone Sugo 1 and work from there.
I'm trying to shrink my computers right down now, I'm not a hardcore gamer anymore, the most demanding things I ever play now are Supreme Commander and Sins of a Solar Empire. So I'm looking at putting a decent system together, using the Silverstone Sugo 5, I already have my Media computer built into one, using the Zotac 9300 board and an Intel C2D and it's great.
Although it is small there is enough space and I think the cooling would be just about sufficient for a quad core set-up using a cool running low power (power use not performance) graphics card like the ATI 4770, which after reading various reviews is fast enough for my needs, my 8800GT I have is fast enough really, and the ATI is a bit faster.
Anyway, this isn't my thread, so I'll butt out now.
Oh I will say one thing on the subject of media computers though, as good an idea as the Atoms are, they are very slow compared to even the lowest end C2D's, you can build a set-up around a C2D that uses only slightly more power than an Atom, but you get a huge increase in performance. I've had and used several Atom based machines, indeed I still have 1, a Samsung NC10, and while they are ok, I see little reason to use them in anything except Netbooks, certainly for a media machine I would put a full desktop cpu in there, but keep it mITX. That way, it is capable of handling more or less anything you might want it to, even things you may not forsee initially. It's also useful, I find, if your media machine can encode, an Atom is nothing but a joke in that regard.