So I'm going around in circles at the moment, NAS and Raspberry Pi, Micro-ITX PC....etc
What I'm looking to achieve is a small, silent PC, that can take a 3TB 3.5 drive, and deliver media via XMBC to the TV (HDMI), so needs to look nice
I keep going from a Pi by the TV, and a NAS replacing my old behemoth of backup a PC, or a small Mini/Micro-ITX system by the TV.
Budget is low, around £250 max and if I were to go a NAS/Storage PC route a PicoPSU 150 XT rather than a standard PSU would be my option.
Any thoughts on what would be the most appropriate choice?
What I'm looking to achieve is a small, silent PC, that can take a 3TB 3.5 drive, and deliver media via XMBC to the TV (HDMI), so needs to look nice
I keep going from a Pi by the TV, and a NAS replacing my old behemoth of backup a PC, or a small Mini/Micro-ITX system by the TV.
Budget is low, around £250 max and if I were to go a NAS/Storage PC route a PicoPSU 150 XT rather than a standard PSU would be my option.
Any thoughts on what would be the most appropriate choice?
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