Small mixer?

13 Apr 2009
Hi all,

I'm trying to find some kind of small mixer that can take two stereo inputs (one from PC, one from laptop) and have two outputs, with one going to my desk speakers and the other a headphones output. The thinking is to be able to easily "switch" my wired headphones between the two computers without having to move the wire. Not only this, but some apps and games can't handle the switch if you do it in-game/in-app, and so simply having the two permanent outputs gets around all of this. It also needs to not be some kind of mixing desk monstrosity as it'll be sat on the desk for easy access to the headphone volume control.

It looks like I could probably use some kind of USB audio interface (M Audio M Track Duo, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 etc) but not plug it into either device as an "audio" device, simply using a USB power brick or whatever. I just wanted to check I could use something like these devices as an effectively standalone mixer with direct monitoring turned on for the outputs.
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