Small mounds of upturn soil

our culprit ... he moves them to new secret locations most days, and has built us a mini golf course
They certainly look like worm casings/castings. We have the same problem on our lawn. Seem to start getting them late in the year around October when things get more damp and cold and it continues right up till spring the following year. I know they should be welcomed as they do wonders for the soil and plant growth but it doesn't half make the lawn look terrible. Our lawn takes a good while to dry out after winter and the worm casings are always soft so if you walk on it you get terribly muddy shoes which makes anywhere you walk just look brown and muddy too. Also not ideal for that first mow of the year.

I've read that worms tend to prefer a neutral pH level in soil, maybe even verging on slightly alkaline, just like the comfort zone of most plants so I was going try and measure the pH level of my lawn soon and see where we are at. Potentially there's a top dressing I could add to try and reduce the pH level a bit and make the soil slightly more acidic which should put the worms off a bit. A lot of grasses are OK with mildly acidic to neutral pH I believe, so seems like there's a slight bit of wriggle room here to find a happy balance of some worms and good healthy soil. I'd be happy if I can just reduce the amount of worm activity rather than getting rid completely! Science y0!
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