Small portableish case?

15 Jan 2005
Hi all,

I've been thinking about a new build for winter, I'd like a small case that can go comfortably under the TV for controller sofa games, and also be moved without much hassle to another room for VR games. I've seen a Cooler Master NR200 which I like the look of, but is m-itx going to limit my choice of hardware?

I'd go for a latest gen i5/7, with a mobo that comes with WiFi, Bluetooth etc so that I don't need any extra accessories (my current PC is 6th gen i7 so don't know if this is all standard now). Probably a 4070 is in my price/performance target. I will need another PCI slot for the VR wireless adapter. Would this be OK or is m-atx a better fit?

I've seen this one but it's going to be a fair chunk bigger than the cooler master:

Thanks :)
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This one looks alright, but watching a vid on it, might be a tight squeeze and cooling isnt great. I'll probably just have to buy the case and measure up to make sure things will fit.
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