Small scale Lan get together

23 Mar 2011
Just after some game suggestions really! probably going to be 4-6 of us so nothing major but we do a few a year and always seem to play the same games, wouldnt mind something fresh! some of the usual stuff would be

CS:GO, TF2, SC2, some sort of moba, HL2 DM, CoD 4, and sonic racing

any suggestions on something a bit different would be great! also maybe a fast paced fps too like unreal?
Fat paced fps game would be quake not unreal :) rocket league would probably make for a fun LAN game. At one of our LANs we played splinter cell blacklist mercs vs something that was good fun. As people that always play dota 2 together online we tried smite at the last LAN for a change of pace and that went down well too. Then you have chivalry which is generally really funny to play with mates.
2v2 or 3v3 Rocket League, If there is only 4 of you then Magicka is a must. Not played the 2nd but its not as highly rated.

Civ 5, if you like games that take a while, Terraria or Starbound, or Modded Minecraft.

Torchlight 2 can house up to 6 people, or with an official mod by the devs at Runic Games, it can go up to 8. Important to remember if you all use mods, you need the same mods in the same load order for them to work multiplayer.
Nice suggestions! I have rocket league on ps4 but maybe able to get them all to buy it! Thats the only issue we have is buying a game or 2 just for a lan, im fine with it and dont care but some of my mates are a bit sensible with there cash :( saving etc

Just checked steam all but one of us has Civ and we have never played much of it so that could be a laugh, its always dirt cheap now too
some suggestions :
Castle Crashers
Dungeon Defenders
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
Tiny Brains
supreme commander: forge alliance
jamies town
toybox turbo - love this one with my 10yr old :)
Total Annihilation + Core Contingent and addons GOG has it on deal at the moment
warhammer 40k series?
Worms series i.e. Armageddon
Sins of solar empires
The Ship
Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator
Titan Quest
Sword of the Stars
shoot many robots
left for dead
killing floor
aliens vs predator
AI War Fleet Command
Fistful of Frags - Free
King Arthur's Gold - Played it for 4 hours at a LAN a few years back and loved it.
Dirty Bomb - Free
Great suggestions guys thanks! Ill pass those on and see what the guys think!

As the day goes on we will probably start drinking and become a bit of a state, any gaming related drinking games? :D
Worms would be fab! Lan starts tomorrow night! Only 2 of us then the others arrive saturday morning, too early i imagine :)

So far we have
Smite (for some reason)
Halo CE
Dirty bomb
Sonic racing
Hopefully a worms game

And maybe another one or 2 from above :)
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Project cars,
TF2 Prop hunt / Dubstep mode,
That new one with the guys sticking together should provide some lulz.
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