Small Vans

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2003
Hi all,

I'm looking to sell my car soon and buy a small van for own (company) use. A bit of a down grade but I do very few miles and it seems pointless having both.

Anyway, I've only even driven a Astra Van (older T reg petrol and newer 1.7 diesel) and didn't really like them although I don't need anything bigger than the Fiesta or Corsa vans really. I've been in VW Caddie but it wasn't even a turbo so was REALLY slow.

Anyone use one daily and give any advice on which make / model and engine are best? Probably looking to spend 3-4k on a used one, looks like it will get me a 03-05 plate?

Cheers for the info. I have seen a few in Swindon which are ex-NHS or ex-BT fleet which could be good.
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