smaller=warmer ?

7 May 2012
Are smaller case "warmer" than big ones?

A smaller case has a smaller surface area, and thus there is less "passive" heat dissipation from the case. This is obvious physics.

But, there is another important factor : the "active" dissipation by the air flow created by the fans.

Is the "passive" dissipation negligible compared to the "active" one ?

Did anybody measure (or know by experience) whether smaller cases tend to get warmer, or not ?
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The general consensus is smaller = warmer. How much truth there is to that I'm unsure about. I can't see why a small case with some decent fans in it shouldn't be fine though... Especially with some of the newer, smaller GPU's like the 670/680.

They are probably warmer yeah but my 6970 never goes over 60C and is idling at 40C and my 2500K is currently idling at 35C and I think the highest I got it to go was 70 something. So in my eyes its a non issue.
So, you are both saying (gropingmantis and Rooster212) that the temperature difference is negligible. Interesting :D
I guess it means that the most important factor is cooling, rather than size.
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