Smart meter issues?

30 Jan 2005
I'm with OVO energy and just had a notification they're changing my direct debit to £615 a month.
My electricity usually over the past few weeks has spiked to between 500-600kwh a day.

I have gas heating so it's not from radiators.

I'm not sure how this can be possible. As that's like using a tumble dryer for 160-200 hrs a day.

Anyone else had issues like this?
Just wondering if my smart meter has developed a fault or something it's a bit of a worry.
I did contact OVO but the account is in my wife's name despite me setting it up (with my email and my bank account) up so they wouldn't talk to me she phoned them to get me added to the account but they can't do that without talking to me apparently. I'm away with work so it's not possible to be in the same place as my wife for the moment.

I'm in a detached house.

The increased demand started 3 weeks ago usage went from 30-35kw up to 250 then has climbed to over 500 for the last 2 weeks.

I'll have to talk my wife through it and get her to speak to OVO again :(
I'm away from home with work. The email came as I was travelling so no manual readings. My wife has managed to get some sense from OVO and apparently it's been an error with our account and the readings have now dropped to more normal levels.

Lost all faith in the smart meter system tbh
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