smart phone recommendations

18 Oct 2002
I'm in the market for an upgrade in the near future, as being drunk and in a bad mood, my p910i had a friendly introduction to the wall, and now the vibrate function is shot on it, and in general its a bit battered now.

So whats available now and in the near future(next month or so)?

What I need:

1. Something that does what the p910i does
2. Nothing bigger than the p910i really
3. Price and network don't matter, though something on o2 as an upgrade would be ideal, as thats who i'm currently with.
thanks for the suggestions, how soon do you guys think for the n80 and the m600 or p990i?

The p990i would be great, but i now have a laptop, so the full pda functions are not as important so the m600 or n80 look interesting.

Which is better out of symbian and windows mobile? or is it really just swing and roundabouts.
thanks for the help guys,

looking at the options i'm torn between the m600 and the p990, as i really like the fact my 910i has a proper keypad, as i couldn't imagine texting using a touchscreen when i'm out down the pub or what not. I just wish either of them would turn up in the shops, as its a pain not having the vibrate function working anymore.

If i were to go for something like xda mini or the newer version of it, how easy is it to text on without the stylus?
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