Smashed iPhone

7 Oct 2003
Whoops, just smashed the screen on my iPhone. O2 are going to arrange for a replacement to be sent out on tuesday.


Does anyone know if it's a simple process to copy all my data and contacts from the old phone onto the replacement one? I assume it's simply a matter of syncing the old phone with itunes so all the data/apps/emails/messages etc are stored on the pc, swap the sim card into the new phone then let the new phone connect with itunes?

Anyone done this and successfully not lost all their data?
Cool. I've just done a backup as well so hopefully it'll just be a matter of resyncing it from the backup.
Sorry am I missing something? You smashed the screen on your iPhone and you want Apple to sort it for free?!
Is this directed at me, the OP? If so, yes. I pay a monthly insurance on the iPhone and that insurance states in the Terms and Conditions that the insurance covers accidental damage. In the case of the smashed screen, I don't think a new phone is unreasonable. Are you missing something?
The courier's coming to swap the phone today. I've erased all data on the phone but I'm not sure whether to reinstall the os back to an unjailbroken state because a: I'm not sure how to do it! and b: I don't want to risk itunes ditching all my data/contacts/etc by accident when it tries to sync to my old, wiped phone.

On the subject of there being a possibility of them not honouring the claim because I've jailbroken my phone - the insurance is through O2, not apple - this is not a warrenty issue. In my case (as opposed to EVH's) I'm not sending my broken phone off to Apple for a fix or replacement, whereby they can inspect the phone and decide that it's been tampered with. I'll be getting a direct swap from the courier on my doorstep.

That's what I'm hoping for in any case!
Yep, all sorted now, it's been restored to a factory state and then setup again with itunes. There should be no trace of the jailbreak anymore. Just waiting for the courier to arrive now. He better pitch up before I go to work at 3!

TaC state that the insurance covers:

"Accidental damage, inc water damage"
"Theft from a secure motor vehicle"
"Theft from a secure premises"
"Attended Theft"
"Replacement abroad"

They guarantee a new replacement.

The only thing you're not covered for is unattended theft. Seems reasonable enough.
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