smf forums

i've just installed it for a new site. never used it before (as an admin). how do you change the board title from "my community" in the top-left to something else?

can't believe something as simple as this isn't obvious in the admin cp, like it is in phpbb. :/
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I just replaced the image with mine

it lives in ....


so I renamed it to smf-logo-old.gif

and put my own gif, in the name of smflogo.gif

saves messing around
i forgot to say

SMF ain't as easy as something like IPB

coz if you want to modify the template .. you gotta dig for a it a little

whereas with IPB it's all in the admin section

not in SMF.
changing an image is easy, you just follow the path, but it's text that i want to change.

ie, at the bottom of the board is this copyright message...

My Community | Powered by SMF 1.0.9.
© 2001-2005, Lewis Media. All Rights Reserved.
it's "my community" which i want to change.

the same name appears in the top-left in large letters (again, it's text, not an image). I shouldn't have to manually change this in the php files, there should be an option in the admin cp somewhere for changing the title of my board. :/

guess not though...
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and just to make things worse, whenever i try to post at the smf support forums i get this error message...

Fatal error: Argument 1 passed to notifyMembersBoard() must be an object of class h�>��<�Q��Q��F��:�շ�շ�շ�շ�շ�շ �շ �շ(�շ(�շ0�շ0�շ��O��O@�շ@�շH�շH�շP�շP�շX�շX�շ��O��O8.88.8p�շp�շx�շx�շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ��շ, called in /home/simple/security/Sources/Post.php on line 1782 and defined in /home/simple/security/Sources/Post.php on line 1996
i'm tempted to go back to phpbb already!
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