
1 Mar 2003
Cotham, Bristol
Couldn't really think of a more relevant title. My office is in a managed building with lots of other companies, as is the same with all offices these days if you want a fag you have to go outside.

I myself am not a smoker and can't stand the smell of it myself, so I had to chuckle when i received this email. Although I can't imagine the smokers being best pleased :)

Dear Clients

In recent weeks we are getting an ever increasing number of comments and complaints from clients who are not smokers about having to reach the back door to CityPoint through what they frequently describe as "clouds of smoke".

Because of the location of the back door and surrounding structure we can also see an area of still air immediately adjacent to the back door under certain conditions. This is not helped by odours coming from the ashtrays when the area of still air is present.

In order to try and reduce the level of complaints from non smokers, within the next few days, we will be relocating the wall mounted ashtrays and we would also ask smokers to congregate around these ashtrays rather than directly at the back door.

Thank you for your co-operation.
cleanbluesky said:
I'll stick up for Visage in this instance, the reason you had trouble coming up with a title is because you have posted something that has no direct relevence to us - there is no relevent title. You have even barely stated whether you care about it, or if you have any feelings on it.

This will merely turn into 'all those who dislike smokers say so here' session. We all know that the majority of people have been fed propaganda to demonise smoking. They are the same type of people who thought smoking was so cool when they were fed propaganda telling them it was cool.

Ok then let's have a discussion about smokers rights then, should a few non-smokers always be able to affect policies such as these.

Personally I think yes, as the few are actually the majority (or at least I would think so)
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