Smokey Car

22 Oct 2002
Essex, innit?
Picked up my new truck yesterday.

The bird who owned it previously was a smoker. The car stinks a bit.

Has anyone got any good tips on getting rid of the smell? (It's not leather)

The worst bit of all however, is the steering wheel. It is leather and after I've driven for 5 mins, my hands smell like a bonfire. Yuk :(

Please help!

Attack with some/all of the following:

Wet&Dry vacuum cleaner
*insert other odour remover*

And leave the doors open for as long as possible while doing this to let the smell naturally disperse.

My dad did this with a Shogun he bought that smelt very badly of dog, it's now fine :)
Euuuw. I smoke but I do try not to smoke in the car. Can't stand the smell of stale smoke. :/

Try some vinyl cleaner (liquid) (autoglym stuff is good and smells nice) to clean up the interior trim, then autoglym again do an upholstery cleaner which smells gorgeous - spray on and sponge off - for the seats & carpet.

Glass cleaner too - it'll be all over the glass.

As for the steering wheel - a little warm water with detergent and a tiny bit of lemon juice - dont use vinyl cleaner on it - you'll never get your grip back.
The Smoke 'ingrains into any fabric. So
Take out carpet give it a scrub and leave to dry in fresh air.
When doing this use a foam carpet clean or a wet'n'vac to avoid soaking or it will shrink.
Dry scrub fabric door panels seats and roof lining
When all done a good application of 'Neutridol' from supermarkets.
Depending of whether she was a 20 a day or 40 day it could need doing a couple of times.
The steering wheel a good work over with a leather treatment may help but DONT polish it.
Not sure if it works but have been told if you leave a sauced or cup with some vinegar in it it will remove the smell of the smoke.

Never tried it though.
srp5031 said:
Not sure if it works but have been told if you leave a sauced or cup with some vinegar in it it will remove the smell of the smoke.

Never tried it though.

Just don't knock it over or your car will smell of vinegar instead! :eek:

Maybe to get rid of the vinegar smell, you'd have to smoke?
My car smells of smoke too and dog.

I attacked the seats, carpet and door trim with a nail brush and then hoovered it all up. Cleaned the dash and polished the windows and it doesn't smell to bad now. Just need to get some more of that AutoGlym Autofreshner thing or whatever it's called.

Do you have any of that citrus based TIM cleaner that's used to remove the thermal compound of CPU's and stuff? If you do, use that. It works a treat. :)
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